May 11, 2005

Winkey Shortcuts

WinKey + R - Open the Run dialog
WinKey + L - Locks a workstation
WinKey + E - Open an Explorer window
WinKey + D - Show/Hide Desktop
WinKey + Tab - Cycle through taskbar program buttons (in 3D on Windows 7/Vista)
WinKey + Pause - Open the System Properties dialog
WinKey + F - Find All Files
WinKey + Ctrl+F - Find: Computer
WinKey + M - Minimize all open windows
WinKey + Shift+M - Undo minimize all open windows
WinKey + F1 - Open Windows Help
WinKey + Up Maximize
WinKey + Down Restore / Minimize
WinKey + Left Snap to left
WinKey + Right Snap to right
WinKey + Shift+Left Jump to left monitor
WinKey + Shift+Right Jump to right monitor
WinKey + Home Minimize / Restore all other windows
WinKey + T Focus the first taskbar entry
Pressing again will cycle through them, you can can arrow around.
WinKey + Shift+T cycles backwards.
WinKey + Space Peek at the desktop
WinKey + G Bring gadgets to the top of the Z-order
WinKey + P External display options (mirror, extend desktop, etc)
WinKey + X Mobility Center (same as Vista, but still handy!)
WinKey + # where (# = number key) Launches a new instance of the application in the Nth slot on the taskbar.
Shake window title bar => Grab the window by the title bar and shake it and all the other windows will minimise

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