January 25, 2015

MS-Test Unit Test Template

Here is a template class for an MS-Test unit test class. Pay careful attention to the order of the various test method calls.
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace UnitTestProject
    public sealed class VSUnitTestTemplate
        // Invoked after AssemblyInitialize
        public VSUnitTestTemplate()


        // Invoked before all tests in an assembly have run
        public static void AssemblyInitialize(TestContext testContext)

        // Invoked after all tests in an assembly have run
        public static void AssemblyCleanup()


        // Executed before running any tests (but after the constructor)
        public static void ClassInitialize(TestContext context) 


        // Executed after running all the class tests
        public static void ClassCleanup() 


        // Executed before each individual Test
        public void TestInitialize() 


        // Executed after each individual Test
        public void TestCleanup() 

        // A single test
        public void MyUnitTest()
            // Setup

            // Perform test steps

            // Verify the results
From what I have seen in various blogs (see here and MS-Test versus NUnit here) most people recommend sticking to NUnit or some other open-source framework. The reasons are that MS-Test has:
  • Dependence on a test Metadata file.
  • A framework that in itself is quite slow.
  • A dependence on Visual Studio being installed for continous integration testing whereas something like NUnit only needs the NUnit assemblies installed.

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