December 11, 2022

Json Parsing Tests - ExpandoObject or Json strings

Setting Up Jason Parsing Tests Using Dynamic Objects Or Strings

public void SomeTestUsingExpandoObject()
  // arrange
  const string getItemEventDataValue = @"{
      ""_PrimaryId"": ""F:\\dasda\\ToMO-005775.json"",
      ""_SecondaryId"": ""123456"",
      ""RetrievalResult"": ""Processed Successfully""
  dynamic indexItemRaw = new ExpandoObject(); = sourceIndexItemId;
  indexItemRaw.version = sourceIndexItemVersion.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
  dynamic source = new ExpandoObject();
  source.getItemEventData = getItemEventDataValue;
  indexItemRaw.source = source;

  // act
  IEnumerable<ClaimDto> claimsEnum = someMapper.Map(JObject.FromObject(indexItemRaw));
  var claimDtos = claimsEnum.ToList();

public void SomeTestUsingJSonStringOnly()
  //How to set up unit tests using strings to set up the data, instead of dynamic objects.
  //Sometimes it can be simpler, especially if you retrieve the raw data from a run
  //Here is the above test, arranged using a string as an example
  //In this case I thought it was more complicated to set everything up as a string
  //(because one of the json string object entries (the "getItemEventData") was itself a json string)
  // arrange
  string rawJToken = @"
    ""id"": ""{sourceIndexItemId}"",
    ""version"": ""1.0"",
    ""source"": {
      ""getItemEventData"": ""{
         \""PrimaryId\"": \""F:\\\\dasda\\\\ToMO-005775.json\"",
         \""SecondaryId\"": \""123456\""
         \""RetrievalResult\"": \""Processed Successfully\""
  rawJToken = rawJToken.Replace("{sourceIndexItemId}", sourceIndexItemId);
  JToken jtoken = JToken.Parse(rawJToken);

  IEnumerable<ClaimDto> claimsEnum = someMapper.Map(jtoken);
  var claimDtos = claimsEnum.ToList();


December 4, 2022

Plant UML

Quite often I need to examine some existing code to find a solution to a problem. Sometimes this requires going in detail about what calls what and when. However, usually the code your looking at has many calls to many other objects. We don't want the details of every single call, just the important ones. Here sequence diagrams are very useful to document this visually. I prefer to use PlantUML for this because it allows you to write the diagram as text, PlantUml takes care of spacing everything appropriately. You can just get your object name/type and the method called on it from your IDE.
PlantUML is found at this web address: .
Here is some good documentation on how to use it: .
Here is an example of using Plant UML to create a sequence diagram in UML:

Here is the resulting image, click on it to open it full size:

Linqpad Notepad++ Hyperlink Extension

When searching through some files using LinqPad it can be useful to print out the results as a hyperlink that will open the file in Notepad++ at a particular line number.
public static class MyExtensions
    // Write custom extension methods here. They will be available to all queries.

    private const string notePadppPath = @"C:\Program Files\Tools\Notepad++\notepad++.exe";
    public static Hyperlinq CreateNotePadppHyperLink(this string filePath, int lineNumber)
        var filelink = new Hyperlinq(() => Process.Start(notePadppPath, filePath + " -n" + lineNumber.ToString()), filePath);
        return filelink;

string filePath = .... ;