December 11, 2022

Json Parsing Tests - ExpandoObject or Json strings

Setting Up Jason Parsing Tests Using Dynamic Objects Or Strings

public void SomeTestUsingExpandoObject()
  // arrange
  const string getItemEventDataValue = @"{
      ""_PrimaryId"": ""F:\\dasda\\ToMO-005775.json"",
      ""_SecondaryId"": ""123456"",
      ""RetrievalResult"": ""Processed Successfully""
  dynamic indexItemRaw = new ExpandoObject(); = sourceIndexItemId;
  indexItemRaw.version = sourceIndexItemVersion.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
  dynamic source = new ExpandoObject();
  source.getItemEventData = getItemEventDataValue;
  indexItemRaw.source = source;

  // act
  IEnumerable<ClaimDto> claimsEnum = someMapper.Map(JObject.FromObject(indexItemRaw));
  var claimDtos = claimsEnum.ToList();

public void SomeTestUsingJSonStringOnly()
  //How to set up unit tests using strings to set up the data, instead of dynamic objects.
  //Sometimes it can be simpler, especially if you retrieve the raw data from a run
  //Here is the above test, arranged using a string as an example
  //In this case I thought it was more complicated to set everything up as a string
  //(because one of the json string object entries (the "getItemEventData") was itself a json string)
  // arrange
  string rawJToken = @"
    ""id"": ""{sourceIndexItemId}"",
    ""version"": ""1.0"",
    ""source"": {
      ""getItemEventData"": ""{
         \""PrimaryId\"": \""F:\\\\dasda\\\\ToMO-005775.json\"",
         \""SecondaryId\"": \""123456\""
         \""RetrievalResult\"": \""Processed Successfully\""
  rawJToken = rawJToken.Replace("{sourceIndexItemId}", sourceIndexItemId);
  JToken jtoken = JToken.Parse(rawJToken);

  IEnumerable<ClaimDto> claimsEnum = someMapper.Map(jtoken);
  var claimDtos = claimsEnum.ToList();


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