December 12, 2024

Using Patterns in if and switch statements

Using Patterns in if and switch statements See this link: Replace the old inefficient
ChangedEvent lce = ev as ChangedEvent
if (lce != null)
to this much shorter and more readable:
if (ev is ChangedEvent lce)
And this has been refined further with much more readable conditional clauses using patterns
var developer = new Developer { YearOfBirth = 1983 };
if (developer is { YearOfBirth: >= 1980 and <= 1989 and not 1984 })
  // The dev is born in the eighties, but not in 1984
And when checking for is or is not null use this pattern
if (developer is not null)
We can also use these patterns in switch statements TODO add an example Now we have "and" and "&&" plus "or" and "||": The "and" pattern combinator is used to combine patterns. The conditional "and" operator of "&&" is a boolean operator and it is used to combine bool values in your C# code. Similar statements can be made for the pattern "or" and "not" clauses