January 13, 2006

Using NUnit

Running NUnit on the command line

Run a text fixture using the GUI:
"C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2\bin\nunit-gui.exe" /fixture:sometests.test.mytest /run

Run a text fixture using the Console:
"C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2\bin\nunit-console.exe" C:\src\ssg\SrcUnitTests\bin\Debug\NUnitTests.dll /fixture :sometests.test.mytest /out:TestResult.txt /exclude:Manual /thread
This will exclude all tests or test fixtures marked as [Category("Manual")], output goes to Results.txt and /thread causes a separate thread to be created for running the tests.

Description of the NUnit test class attributes can be found here
Here is a NUnit skeleton class with the main attributes:
using NUnit.Framework;

public class SomeTester
#region Setup/TearDown

  // This is invoked before each [TestFixture]
  // ie once only, before any tests are invoked
  public void OneTimeSetUp()

  // This is invoked after each [TestFixture]
  // ie once only, after all tests have been invoked
  public void OneTimeTearDown()

  // This is invoked before each [Test}
  public void Setup()

  // This is invoked after each [Test}
  public void TearDown()

#endregion Setup/TearDown

  // Format of a Test method, Try to put all the setup for the test in the test.
  // If necessary add private Setup/Initialise/Teardown methods to assist this 
  // rather than using the one listed above
  public void SomeTest()
  // You can add test parameters to a test and use it to test multiple cases 
  [TestCase(5.0d, 0.0d, 3.0d)]
  [TestCase(5.0d, 1.0d, 3.0d)]
  [TestCase(5.0d, 0.0d, 5.0d)]
  public void SomeTest(double fullLengthSecs, double startTimeSecs, int expectedValue)

Use these logging lines to generically log the beginning and end of a test using reflection

public void SomeTest()
 log.Info("*** Beginning Test - " + System.Reflection.
 log.Info("*** Ending Test - " + System.Reflection.
alternatively use:
//Output test class and method name:
Debug.WriteLine("*** Beginning Test - " +
  + "." +
NUnit Exceptions Use the 'ExpectedException' attribute when the test is expected to result in an exception being thrown.
public void TestNoServer()
alternatively use can use the Assert.Throws() method:

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