September 23, 2007

Modal/Modeless Dialogs

Modal Dialog
    SomeForm sf = new SomeForm();
    DialogResult res = sf.ShowDialog(this);
To close a form
... // within the form class itself
    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Set the AcceptButton and CancelButton to the correct buttons if required Modeless Dialog
    // Declare the modeless dialog
    private MagnifyingGlassForm m_MagFrm = null;

    // Creating and showing the modeless dialog
    if (m_MagFrm == null)
      m_MagFrm = new MagnifyingGlassForm();
      m_MagFrm.Owner = this; // IMPORTANT Set the owner of the modeless dialog 
      m_MagFrm.Show(); // Show the modeless dialog


    // To just hide the modeless dialog use Hide() method


    // Terminating the Modeless Dialog
    if (m_MagFrm != null)
      m_MagFrm = null;

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