September 7, 2008

Posting Windows Messages Accross Processes

public class WinMessagePoster
  public static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, 
          IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam);

  public static extern int RegisterWindowMessage(string message);

  // this class just wraps some Win32 stuffthat we're going to use
  public const int HWND_BROADCAST = 0xffff;

  public static readonly int WM_APP_MYMESSAGE = 

  public void PostWinMessageToAnotherApp()
    Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("ApplicatioName");
    foreach (Process p in processes)
      IntPtr pFoundWindow = p.MainWindowHandle;
      PostMessage(pFoundWindow, "WM_APP_MYMESSAGE", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
In the application that receives the windows message
// In .exe Main Form
#region Detect Custom Windows Message

public static readonly int WM_APP_MYMESSAGE = 

public static extern int RegisterWindowMessage(string message);

protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
  if (m.Msg == WM_APP_MYMESSAGE)
  base.WndProc(ref m);

#endregion Detect Custom Windows Message

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