November 11, 2008


Top 10 Tips for Exception Handling in C#
Exception Types
Exception ClassCause
SystemExceptionA failed run-time check;used as a base class for other.
AccessExceptionFailure to access a type member, such as a method or field.
ArgumentExceptionAn argument to a method was invalid.
ArgumentNullExceptionA null argument was passed to a method that doesn't accept it.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionArgument value is out of range.
ArithmeticExceptionArithmetic over - or underflow has occurred.
ArrayTypeMismatchExceptionAttempt to store the wrong type of object in an array.
BadImageFormatExceptionImage is in the wrong format.
CoreExceptionBase class for exceptions thrown by the runtime.
DivideByZeroExceptionAn attempt was made to divide by zero.
FormatExceptionThe format of an argument is wrong.
IndexOutOfRangeExceptionAn array index is out of bounds.
InvalidCastExpressionAn attempt was made to cast to an invalid class.
InvalidOperationExceptionA method was called at an invalid time.
MissingMemberExceptionAn invalid version of a DLL was accessed.
NotFiniteNumberExceptionA number is not valid.
NotSupportedExceptionIndicates sthat a method is not implemented by a class.
NullReferenceExceptionAttempt to use an unassigned reference.
OutOfMemoryExceptionNot enough memory to continue execution.
StackOverflowExceptionA stack has overflown.

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