January 18, 2009

Useful Byte Array Debugging Classes

Some useful debugging classes for debugging byte arrays. Useful for unit tests.
public static class ByteArrayHelper
  // Output the byte array as a C# style byte array variable declaration 
  // where the variable name of the byte array is passed as a parameter
  public static string ToCSharpByteArrayDeclrn(
      this byte[] bytes, string name)
    string res = "byte[] " + name + " = new byte["
        + bytes.Length.ToString() + "] { ";
    int ix = 0;
    for (; ix < bytes.Length - 1; ix++)
      res += "0x" + bytes[ix].ToString("X2") + ", ";
    for (; ix < bytes.Length; ix++)
      res += "0x" + bytes[ix].ToString("X2");
    res += " };";
    return res;

  // Checks whether 2 byte arrays are exactly the same, ie. they have 
  // the same length and the same values at each array entry
  public static bool AreTheSame(this byte[] bytes1, byte[] bytes2)
    bool areTheSame = (bytes1.Length == bytes2.Length);
    for (int ix = 0; (ix < bytes1.Length) && areTheSame; ix++)
      areTheSame = bytes1[ix] == bytes2[ix];
    return areTheSame;

  // XOR together 2 byte arrays
  public static byte[] XOr(this byte[] bytes, byte[] xorBytes)
    Debug.Assert(bytes.Length == xorBytes.Length,
      $"Byte arrays are different sizes: first is {bytes.Length} " +
      $"and the second is {xorBytes.Length}");
    byte[] res = new byte[bytes.Length];
    int len = xorBytes.Length;
    for (int ix = 0; ix < bytes.Length; ix++)
      res[ix] = (byte)(bytes[ix] ^ xorBytes[ix % len]);
    return res;

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